Fonction SAP /SPE/GET_INBDLVRY_FOR_OUTBDLVR - Get Inbound Delivery Number for Outbound Delivery

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
IV_DELIVERY_NUMBER VBELN C 10 Sales and Distribution Document Number

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
EV_INBDLVRY_NUMBER VBELN C 10 Sales and Distribution Document Number

Exception Description
NO_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CREATED No Inbound Delivery created for this Outbound Delivery
NO_REPLENISHMENT_DELIVERY Outbound Delivery is not a Replenishment Delivery

You use this function module to get the relevant inbound delivery number(EV_INBDLVRY_NUMBER) for a given outbound delivery number(IV_DELIVERY_NUMBER).
The function module checks whether the outbound delivery is areplenishment delivery and whether a corresponding inbound delivery ex
If the outbound delivery is not a replenishment delivery, or if noinbound delivery exists for the replenishment delivery, the appropriateexception is raised.