Fonction SAP /SDF/RBE_GET_SYS_SNAPSHOT - Get snapshot data from system

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
JOB_DELAY_MIN INT4 I 4 180 X minimum job delay time s
JOB_RUNTIME_MIN INT4 I 4 1 X minimum job runtime s
WP_TYPE WPITYPE b 1 4 X workprocess type

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Description
JOBS_DELAYED INT4 I 4 Number of delayed jobs exceeding given limit
JOBS_RUNNING INT4 I 4 Number of running jobs exceeding given limit
WP_FREE INT4 I 4 Free workprocesses of type selected
WP_MAX INT4 I 4 Maximum workprocesses of type selected

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
DELAYED TBTCJOB 668 X Structure for Transferring Job Header Data (BI-API)
RUNNING TBTCJOB 668 X Structure for Transferring Job Header Data (BI-API)

Exception Description
JOB_PROBLEM Problem getting information on jobs
WRONG_PARAMETER_VALUE Wrong parameter value

number of delayed background jobs exceeding given time limit (parameterJOB_DELAY_MIN)

number of currently running background jobs exceeding given time limit(parameter JOB_RUNTIME_MIN)

number of free workprocesses of the type specified (parameterWP_TYPE)

Number of workprocesses of the specified type (parameter WP_TYPE
) available in the system. In case of background workprocess typethe value returned covers only workprocesses not reserved for job classA execution.

minimum job delay time in seconds to take into account

minimum job runtime in seconds to take into account

workprocess type number

4 - background workprocess

table contains header data of each background job that is delayed andexceed the time limit given via parameter JOB_DELAY_MIN

table contains header data of each background job that is running andexceed the time limit given via parameter JOB_RUNTIME_MIN