Functionality The demand value contained in the bill received is compared with themaximum demand value of the corresponding profiles. Profiles with one or more certain profile roles are used for thecomparison for the point of delivery specified in the bill documentheader. The profile role is defined with the check type 13> in the checkframework. You can define several values. The period specified in the bill is taken into account during thecomparison. The relevant bill lines are identified using the product ID ( external identification of service>). In addition, you must enterone or more values for INT-SERIDENT, from table EDEREG_SIDPRO, in thecheck framework with the check type 23>. The demand value of the bill line is obtained from the Quantity>field (TINV_INV_LINE_B - QUANTITY). The check is successful if the demand values from the bill match thedetermined maximum value from the load profiles; a certain percentagedeviation is permitted here. You can define this percentage deviation inthe check framework with the check type 21>. In the case of a disparity, the system issues an error message andallows a manual release. Error messages are also issued in the following cases:
- The system does not find the service identification type>
(PRODUCT_TYPE) in the service provider agreement.
- The system does not find the specification of Identifications for a
service>(INT_SERIDENT) for the identification of bill lines in thecheck framework.
- The system does not read any profile values in the bill period for the
profile numbers to be determined.