Paramètre | Reférence | Type | Long. | Valeur par déf. | Facultatif | Description |
IV_CONTENT | /IPRO/CONTENT | C | 10 | The current content | ||
IV_DISP_ONLY | BOOLEAN | C | 1 | X | If it is to display only | |
IV_RULE | /IPRO/TRULES-EXTENSION | C | 32 | The rule ID | ||
IV_TITLE | C | C | 0 | Title to be displayed |
Paramètre | Reférence | Type | Long. | Description |
EV_RTCODE | SYUCOMM | C | 70 | Return code |
EV_RULE | /IPRO/TRULES-EXTENSION | C | 32 | The new rule ID |