Fonction SAP /CBAD/UPDATE_TABLES - update-module for CBAD

Paramètre Reférence Type Long. Valeur par déf. Facultatif Description
IS_PROCESSING_MODE UPDKZ_D C 1 Processing mode Modify, Update, Insert or Delete
IS_TABLENAME TABNAME16 C 16 Table name, 16 characters
IT_CON_DBS /CBAD/CON_DBS_T h 128 X CBAD: WBS table type
IT_CON_H /CBAD/CONTRACT_H_T h 318 X Contract and Billing: additional header information
IT_CON_HIST /CBAD/CON_HIST_T h 110 X CBAD: Contract history table type
IT_CON_I /CBAD/CONTRACT_I_T h 284 X Contract and Billing: additional item information
IT_FUND_H /CBAD/CON_FUND_H_T h 146 X Contract and Billing: Fund header information

Exception Description
TABLE_IS_EMPTY no update possible due to missing data
UNKNOWN_TABLE unknown table selected
WRONG_ACTION_CODE only M(odify), U(pdate), I(nsert) or D(elete) is allowed