Fonctions SAP

Fonction RFC Description Composant
_CCS_CHAT_CHANGED X event: signals a change of a chat session. Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_NEW_POSTING X event: signals a new posting in a chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_CONFERENCE X a user A adds a user B into an existing chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_GET_ATTRIBUTES X Gets all participants and other attributes of an existing chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_GET_DIALOG X Gets all chat contributions created prior to method invokation Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_JOIN X Allows a user to join an existing chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_LEAVE X Removes a chat line from chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CHAT_SESS_POST_MESSAGE X Sends a chat contribution to the chat session Communication Channel
_CCS_CONFERENCE X Conference Communication Channel
_CCS_CONSULT X Consult Communication Channel
_CCS_CREATE X Create Item Communication Channel
_CCS_DELETE X Delete a message Communication Channel
_CCS_DELETE_ATTACHED_DATA X Del Attached Data Communication Channel
_CCS_DIAL X Dial Communication Channel
_CCS_DROP X Drop call Communication Channel
_CCS_DROP_CALLS X Drop calls Communication Channel
_CCS_DROP_PARTY X Drop a Conference Call Party Communication Channel
_CCS_EX_PRODUCT_INFORMATION X CCS ICI system Communication Channel
_CCS_FILL_CAP_TABLE Fill Capabilty Table Communication Channel
_CCS_FILL_FUBAS_TABLE Fill FuBas Mapping Table Communication Channel
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