Fonction SAP UPG_READ_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS - Determining all the installed add-on products/versions

Paramètre Reférence Long. Facultatif Description
TT_AVERS AVERS 142 Return of all the registered products

Installed add-on products are registered in the table AVERS withUPDSTATUS "+", deinstalled products have the status "-". This modulegets all installed products, together with their current versions, dateof installation, and so on.
Products that are currently being upgraded need to be determined withthe module UPG_READ_ADD_ON_UPDATES. This module gets the version of thelast completed upgrade.
Remember that the module DELIVERY_GET_COMPONENT_STATE gets a differentversion than this module if there is an inconsistency between thetables AVERS and CVERS. If this is the case, the version fromDELIVERY_GET_COMPONENT_STATE takes precedence.