Fonction | RFC | Description | Composant |
/SPE/POD_DET_PREV_OUTB_DLVRY | Finds the previous outbound Delivery. | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_PACK_APPLY_REDUCTION | Store overdelivery reduction for packing item | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_PACK_STORE_REDUCTION | Store overdelivery reduction for packing item | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_SET_DELTA | Creates the POD discrepency table entry | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_SET_REPOSTING_FLDS | Set reposting fields | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_TRNSFR_REPOSTING_FLDS | POD transfer reposting fields. | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POD_UBQ_POSTING_CREATE | Trigger UBQ posting | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/POST_IDOC | Start IDOC processing | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/POST_MM_DOCUMENT | Posting of Goods Movement for customer claims discrepancy | Stock Transfers | |
/SPE/PO_CREATE | X | Create Purchase Order | Stock Transfers |
/SPE/PP_DELIVERY_DATA_RESET | Reset Global Data | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/PREP_CALL_TO_PMI | Prepare trigger of events for PMI | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/PRESET_VBELN_FOR_VGBEL | Preset delivey number range for vgbel, vgsys | Goods Issue Process | |
/SPE/PRINT_BILLING_DOC | X | Print Billing Documents for Outbound Deliveries | Goods Issue Process |
/SPE/PROCESS_REQ_FIELDS_CHECK | Process Required Fields Check | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/QRFC_PLAYBACK_LOG | Container aus INDX-Log zurückspielen | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/QUEUE_CONTAINER_SHOW | Display queue container (generically) | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/READ_CLASSIFICATION_DATA | Display Cassification Data For Predefined Batch | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/REDISTRIBUTE_DELIVERIES | Redistributes deliveries from ERP to EWM system | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/REM_SPE_BILLING_IND | Store Billing Indicator in global data | Goods Issue Process |