Fonction | RFC | Description | Composant |
/SPE/INSP_GET_INSP_OUTCOMES | Inspection Outcome: Get DB update tables from buffer | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_MAINTAIN_MULTIPLE | X | Inspection Outcome: Create/Change Inspection Outcome | Complaints and Returns |
/SPE/INSP_PUBLISH | X | Inspection Outcome: Send Inspection Outcome to a destination system | Complaints and Returns |
/SPE/INSP_READ_LIPS | Inspection Outcome: Read Delivery Items from Buffer | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_RSTO | X | Inspection results received from EWM for an enhanced rSTO | Complaints and Returns |
/SPE/INSP_SAVE | Inspection Outcome: Trigger DB Update | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_SET_INSP_OUTCOMES | Inspection Outcome: Set DB update tables to buffer | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_TECKEY_ARRAY_READ | Inspection Outcome: Array read using technical keys | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/KTS_APPL_LOG_WRITE | Write Application Log for Kit-to-Stock Queue Processing | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_COMPONENTS_CHECK | Check for Order Components | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_DATA_RESET | Reset Global Data | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_DLVRYS_CREATE | Create KTS Deliveries During Order Saving | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_DLVRYS_CREATE_BACKGRD | X | Create KTS Deliveries in Background | Extended Warehouse Management Integration |
/SPE/KTS_IBDLV_CREATE | X | Create KTS Inbound Deliveries | Extended Warehouse Management Integration |
/SPE/KTS_ITEM_CHECK | Checks for Order Items | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_NUMBER_SWITCH | Number Switch for Order Number | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_OBDLV_CREATE | X | Create KTS Outbound Deliveries | Extended Warehouse Management Integration |
/SPE/KTS_OPERATIONS_CHECK | Check for Order Operations | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_ORDER_CHECK | Call Checks for Kit-to-Stock Order | Extended Warehouse Management Integration | |
/SPE/KTS_RESERVATIONS_UNLOCK | Release Locks on Reservations | Extended Warehouse Management Integration |