Fonction | RFC | Description | Composant |
/SPE/INB_DELIV_SAVEREPLICX_IF | Interface template to display IBD queue container | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/INB_DELV_BACKGROUND | compares inbound deliveries in background | Cross-Application Topics | |
/SPE/INB_DLV_SPLIT_PROC | Split inbound delivery | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INB_EGR_CREATE_POSA | X | Create Expected documents GR for PO or for SA | Goods Receipt Process |
/SPE/INB_EGR_CREATE_PROD | X | Create Expected documents GR for Production Orders | Goods Receipt Process |
/SPE/INB_GR_PROD_CHECK | X | Check if GR for production or process order is possible | Extended Warehouse Management Integration |
/SPE/INB_INTRANSIT_CALCULATE | Calculation of Intransit Quantities for Sched. Agreement Item | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INB_READ_ID_LINK | Read Inbound Delivery Link Table | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INB_SAVE_ID_LINK | Save Inbound Delivery Link Table | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INB_UPDATE_ID_LINK | Update Inbound Delivery Link Table | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INB_VAL_SHOW_POPUP | Show pop-up Utility | Goods Receipt Process | |
/SPE/INSP_BUSKEY_ARRAY_READ | Inspection Outcome: Array read using business keys | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_CHANGE | Inspection Outcome: Change | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_CLEAR_BUFFER | Inspection Outcome: Refresh database update buffer | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_DB_UPDATE | Inspection Outcome: DB Update | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_DELETE | Inspection Outcome: Set Deletion Flag | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_DELETE_MULTIPLE | X | Inspection Outcome: Deletion | Complaints and Returns |
/SPE/INSP_GENERATE | Inspection Outcome: Create | Complaints and Returns | |
/SPE/INSP_GETDETAIL_MULT | X | Inspection Outcome: Returns details of Inspection Outcomes | Complaints and Returns |
/SPE/INSP_GETLIST | X | Inspection Outcome: Returns list of inspection outcomes | Complaints and Returns |