Fonctions SAP

Fonction RFC Description Composant
/ASU/ADD_CONTENT_TO_TRANSPORT Add ASU content to transport task/request Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/BP_JOBLOG_SHOW_SM37B_RFC X RFC-Wrapper around BP_JOBLOG_SHOW_SM37B Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/CHECK_SCENARIO_EXISTS Check if Scenario with same name exists. Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/CHECK_UPGRADE_STATUS X Determine the status of the ASU in upgrade use case Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/DELETE_VERSION Delete ASU Version Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/DISPLAY_TEXT X Behandlung von Langtexten im Schedule-Manager Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/GENERATE_ARCHIVE_VERSION Generate archive version Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/GET_CONTENT_TSTAMP Get the timestamp of 'modified' or 'active' ASU Content Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/GET_VERSION_DATA Get ASU Version details. Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/GET_VERSION_HEADERS Fetch all the ASU Version Headers in a given language Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/IMPORT_XML Import ASU XML Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/MAP_TAB_TO_XML Map ASU data to XML. Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/MAP_UACC_TAB_TO_XML Map UACC data to XML tab. Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/MONI_AUTHORITY_CHECK Authorization Check Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/OFFICE_DOCUMENT_COPY Schedule Manager: Office-Dokument kopieren Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/OFFICE_DOCUMENT_EXISTS Schedule Manager: Existenz eines Office-Dokuments prüfen Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/OFFICE_DOCUMENT_PROCESS Schedule Manager: Office-Dokument bearbeiten Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/OFFICE_DOCUMENT_SHOW X Schedule Manager: Office-Dokument bearbeiten Application-Specific Upgrade
/ASU/OFFICE_DOC_TRANSP_ENTRIES ASU: transport entries for BDS objects Application-Specific Upgrade
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