Message SAP VL049 - The customer has requested complete delivery

The indicator 'complete delivery' has been set in the order, meaningthat all items relevant for delivery are to be sent in one delivery.This indicator is either copied from the customer master into the orderheader or is manually entered in the order.
Since it is not possible to deliver all items relevant for delivery inone delivery, the system issues an error message rejecting the creationof the delivery in the Sales Orders/Purchase Orders Worklist(VL04). If you attempt to create a delivery in transaction VL01, thesystem issues a warning, but allows the delivery to be created.
This may be due to one of following reasons:

  • 1. The order has not been completely confirmed.

  • 2. The order has been completely confirmed but the availability check
  • in the delivery confirms only partial availability.
    • 3. The data in the order triggers a delivery split that would
    • distribute the order items among multiple deliveries. (e.g. differentship-to parties at item level, different routes, etc.)

      Check the order data. If collective processing has not been created inthe delivery, you can do it manually with transaction VL01, though itwill be incomplete.

181304Matl determ.: Warn. msg. compl. delivry unnecessary
317572Error VL049 for GI posting via shipment completion
143683Inconsistencies when creating delivery after VL049
458732Error messages during GI posting via shipment completion
198230No goods issue possible, branch to initial screen