SAP Note 1295200 - Oracle 10g or higher: Space statistics based on DBMS_SPACE

Component : Oracle -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
SAP Note addresses management of space requirements and chained rows in Oracle databases after 10g using the DBMS_SPACE.OBJECT_SPACE_USAGE_TBF function. It explains obtaining data like allocated space, actual usage, unused space, and percentage of chained rows. Detailed commands for assessing individual tables and indexes are provided, explaining both set up and execution processes for large-scale analysis using SQL scripts. Advanced instructions include creating a local recording table and generating necessary SQL commands for comprehensive system-wide analysis. Results enable identifying optimization opportunities for reorganization to reduce fragmentation and improve database performance.

Key words :
actual analysis scripts spaceusagetable_execution, gross space required space_used, approximately absolute comparison, actual analysis commands, actual analysis scripts, analyze space required, determine space required, oracle enterprise manager, segment_type = 'table'  order, segment_type = 'index'  order

Related Notes :

1269911FAQ: Chained Rows
927813Oracle 10g: Using Oracle Segment Advisor to optimize space
821687FAQ: Space utilization and fragmentation in Oracle
771929FAQ: Index fragmentation