SAP Note 1019198 - BIA monitor: RSDD_ZA024 At least one check is not recognized

Component : BW Accelerator - OLAP Technology

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
system issues warning message rsdd_za 024, bi accelerator alert server checks, terms bi accelerator monitor, bi accelerator monitor reads, bi accelerator monitor, bi accelerator revision, provide correction instructions, bia action messages, current logon language, descriptive long text

Related Notes :

1049157Incorrect color for nodes/leaves in CCMS for BIA
1044290BIAMon SP 11 and 12 revision check - Revision is too low
1010931BIA messages are sorted incorrectly and written to CCMS
1002021BIA monitor action proposal is inconsistent
1001244BIA monitor exception condition "HPA_ERROR" triggered
1001116BI SP11: Compatibility check for BIA revisions extended
1001091Plan and schedule BIA monitor actions using a report
996607BIA monitor validation point is converted incorrectly
996211BIA Monitor SP revision check does not recognize SP
995733BIA monitor: Incorr message for conversion error in module
991742BIA montitor: Display of the "executed actions" log